Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Best Way to get Fucking Rich: Having Many Streams of Income is the Only True Way to Get Rich or the Fastest Way to Become a Millionaire

How to make money


Having Many Streams of Income is the Only True Way to Get Rich or the Fastest Way to Become a Millionaire. Money is Easy to Make, You Will Soon See. This Book Lists how Most Millionaires Got Rich and what You Too can Learn to Do to Help Stretch Your Income Further than You Can Imagine


The ideas here will help you answer the question "How to make money?"



You Will Now Find a Way to Make Money While You are Sleeping, Finally this Book Will Teach You how to Never Depend on One Income when You Can Depend on Several Incomes.


How to make money - 25 useful ideas for 2020 and a successful business that will make you very rich



You have a classic job, from 9 to 17, the salary is quite motivating, but it doesn't hurt if you manage to get some extra income, right? As the program allows you, you can't help but wonder how to make money, in addition to work

Business ideas - the best online and offline business


1. Make various online courses

Many people manage to learn certain skills that are in high demand while they are employed.


If this is your case, maybe it would not be bad to hold online courses, which can be attended by people who want to learn what you have to say.


Among the areas of success, we can mention:

¨ IT - programming, graphic design, web design, content writing etc.

¨ Photo - from setting up the camera to editing photos

¨ Marketing - sales tactics, approaching a B2B collaboration, etc.

¨ Cooking classes - you can teach people to cook through well-made videos

… And many, many other areas of this kind can be the answer to the question "How to make money online?".


2. Invest in real estate

You've always wanted to enter the real estate market, but you never seemed to have a few tens of thousands of Euros to beat, did you? Well, we have good news for you.


From now on, you can add your real estate sector to your portfolio, investing only a few hundred Euros. How? With the help of Crowdestate.

Crowdestate is a crowd funding platform headquartered in, you guessed it, the Baltic area - in Estonia, to be exact.


The company was founded in 2014, in response to a real market need.


At that time, a lot of investors wanted to develop real estate projects, but could not access, for various reasons, bank mortgages.


As there were not many alternatives on the market, potential gains of tens of millions of Euros were lost annually.


Against the background of this niche appeared Crowdestate which collects money from private investors to finance real estate projects.


Therefore, the site operates as a crowdfunding project, dedicated to the real estate sector that cannot be financed by traditional banking methods.


How Crowdestate works

The operation of the platform is extremely simple: financial experts in each country look for projects to finance, which they then make available to private investors.

A plus of Crowdestate would be that legal entities wishing to obtain financing can do so directly on the site, by uploading the business plan and the real estate project on the platform.

According to official data on the site, only those offers that pass the rigorous control of the financial team are approved and sent for financing.

Once a project is approved, an annual interest rate is agreed upon for any funding received (which usually exceeds 10% per year), and then it is published and investors can decide whether or not to support the project.

It should be remembered that Crowdestate requires a kind of guarantee from the beneficiary, in the form of payment promises, mortgages signed on behalf of the platform, shares in the company, etc.

The advantages of the platform

Crowdestate is one of the largest real estate crowdfunding platforms in Europe. As such, it comes with a lot of benefits for their users, including:

¨ First of all, it offers everyone the chance to develop their portfolio in the real estate sector, without having to invest tens of thousands of Euros at once.

¨ The minimum investment per project is only EUR 100

¨ The projects come with very good yields, which often exceed 10% per year

¨ The platform has no fixed costs - no administration, transfer, investment or withdrawal fees

¨ You have a great diversity of investments - renovations of old buildings, construction of hotel complexes, factories or shelters for people with disabilities, etc.

¨ You can use the auto-invest function

¨ The platform is intuitive and very easy to use

¨ If you want to liquidate your portfolio, you can sell your investments through a secondary market


Personally, the only disadvantage I see is that, due to the rigorous checks that the team makes until approving a project for funding, the number of projects in which you can actually invest is sometimes quite small.


Yes, there are a few real estate complexes on the platform that have delays in making payments, but in terms of my portfolio, I have not encountered such cases yet.


And, of course, like any trading platform, there is always the risk that the site, as a whole, will go bankrupt, resulting in the total loss of existing money in active accounts.


How do you make the first investment

To make your first investment, you will initially need to deposit money into your account.

You can do it from your personal account, by pressing the "+ Add funds" button and following the instructions there.

Then, from the top menu, choose the "Invest" option and see which of the available offers goes through your risk and gain analysis. Click the "Find out more" button to read details about each project.

Through the "Invest" button, you will be sent to the page where you have to decide on the amount you will invest.


3. Copywriter


You may not have heard of the term "copywriter" so far, although most likely you come across every day the result of the work of such a freelancer.


Often called content writers, copywriters are people who write, write, and edit the articles and editorials we read daily, on the Internet, and beyond.

Even the most successful magazines collaborate with freelancers in this field, on various topics or niches.


So, if you want to know how to make money from home - copywriting is the solution.


All you need is a laptop or computer, a few hours spent on the net learning what SEO is and what are the basic rules you have to follow and, of course, to master perfectly the language in which you want to write.

The demand for such professionals is growing and it is easy to understand why. As sites multiply from day to day, so does the need for content writers.


4. Invest in P2P loans

P2P loans are types of investments that come with a low to moderate risk, but which can produce returns of over 10% per year.

Mintos review 2020

What is Mintos:

Mintos is one of the largest, if not the largest, P2P platform in Europe.

As with Crowdestate, Mintos is headquartered in the Baltic, more specifically in Latvia.

The company is a relatively recent one, which was launched in 2015. However, thanks to a unique policy, unprecedented security of invested funds, but also a total transparency on risks and rewards, it soon became the most most popular site for P2P investors.

How the Mintos platform works

The operation of the platform is as follows:

¨ Mintos partners with various creditors around the world and allows them to make their debt public through their website.

¨ The creditors finance loans from their own money (total or partial), and then the amounts credited are divided into fractions of 10 EUR each and are offered for financing to Mintos users.

¨ Thus, anyone who wishes can take part in supporting that credit

¨ Issuing companies pay a monthly interest to investors in order to use their money

¨ Once the monthly funds are received, they can be withdrawn or reinvested, generating the so-called interest-to-interest or compound interest effect.

Mintos obliges all partner creditors to support at least part of the loans generated from their own money.

Moreover, in some cases, financial institutions agree with the trading platform to provide a redemption guarantee.

This means that, in the event that a loan is not repaid by the beneficiary, the money invested by Mintos investors will be returned by the issuing company, together with the interest related to the period of the loan.

Certainly, reading these lines, you can't help but wonder "If there are loans with buyback guarantee, what are the risks of investors"?

Well, choosing such instruments, the only risk you take is that of the creditor's bankruptcy, at which point you would not recover your money.

From the information we have, this happened only once in the history of the platform, with the Polish company Eurocent and it seems that Finko from Armenia is in the same situation today.


Risk levels of creditors

Before you start investing through Mintos or discuss a little about different strategies to apply, I want to show you the degrees of risk that each lender comes with.

Thus, next to any credit variant, you will notice that there is a so-called Mintos Rating.

This rating is intended to be an indicator for the financial and operational stability of each financial institution.

According to Mintos, the ability of a credit issuer to generate and facilitate loans is the most important factor in assessing creditors.

The advantages of the Mintos platform

You have famous creditors

As I said in the introduction to the article, Mintos is perhaps the largest P2P platform in the world. And that means some of the biggest creditors will want to work with them.

As a result, you will come across financial institutions issuing world-renowned loans (such as Acema, AgroCredit, or Delfin Group), as well as some that operate in our country, such as Mogo, Credius and Mikro Capital.

You can benefit from that redemption guarantee

From my point of view, this is the main advantage.

No other platform in the field can guarantee that so many loans will be repaid to you, regardless of whether the creditor pays the debt on time or not.

You do not pay fees or commissions

In order to invest in active loans, you will not have to pay any fees or commissions.

Just choose an active loan, choose the amount you want to finance and, at the touch of a button, your money is put to work. No other costs.


You have at your disposal a very well developed mobile application


Another great advantage of the platform is that they have already launched an application for mobile phones through which you can manage your investment quickly and securely, wherever you are.



The platform is very user-friendly and can be used by anyone

Given the fact that they have been on the market for some time, Mintos has managed to create an extremely simplistic and intuitive interface, which can be used without problems even by those uninitiated in the secrets of investment.

Disadvantages of Mintos

You risk losing money

Of their kind, P2P investments are some that come with a medium degree of risk. So, there is always the chance of losing some of the money invested.


As I said above, many of the lenders will offer those redemption guarantees, but if that company goes bankrupt (which happened once), you will lose the funds invested in the loans initiated by them.


Of course, all P2P platforms come with this risk, but we couldn't help but mention it here.


You can lose (or gain money) from foreign exchange

Through Mintos, you can invest in loans generated in 12 currencies in addition to EUR, including GBP, USD, RUB, etc. Depending on the evolution of those currencies compared to EUR, you may lose or gain money when paying off the debt.


As a tip, if you want to invest other currencies than the European one, you can use TransferWise to make the exchange, before making the investment.


You risk Mintos going bankrupt

Of course, the biggest risk you are exposed to is that the Mintos platform goes bankrupt and you lose all your money at once. Even if this scenario is quite unlikely, it must still be considered.


Automated investment strategies

Now, after we have explained quite clearly what Mintos is, what are the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the platform, let's talk a little about the possible automated strategies that you can use when you want to create an investment portfolio on this site.

First of all, what you will have to do is create an account and activate it, through a selfie, with the identity card in hand.

The whole process should not take more than 30 minutes.

From the start, you will have two major types of investment strategies:

¨ Manual investment - you are the one who chooses the creditor, the loan period, the annual interest rate of the loan in which you invest, etc.

¨ Automatic investment - set certain limits, and the program will choose the best loans on your behalf, according to the criteria you have chosen

As you can see for yourself, if you do not have enough time to study each loan carefully, it is best to use automated strategies.

These will be described in more detail below.

Mintos automated strategies

If you want to set an automatic investing strategy, you have to press the "Invest" button in the top bar, then the "Add strategy" button, followed by "Create strategy" under the Auto Invest option.

You will notice that under the menu "Mintos Investment Strategies" will appear three options from which you can choose:

¨ Short-term strategy - you will opt for loans between 0 and 3 months, with interest starting at 7% per year

¨ Diversified strategy - loans with an average duration of 25 months and annual interest rates of at least 8.5% per year

¨ Secured strategy - loans with a maturity of about 40 months and interest of at least 7% per year

Consider each option, see which one suits you best and choose the option that you think fits your risk appetite.


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